Sunday, September 2, 2007

Laucke German Grain Bread

"Controlled" Chaos in the 10th Divi - Shirou-chan clears

of public holidays, one should be mean to relax, to recharge your batteries or just being lazy here! Whether it can afford to Fuku-Taichous to be lazy sometimes? Abarai-kun-knows-certainly
This question is one of many that I will put Aizen-Taichou soon - because every question I do not run over to him now!

now free to my previous day:

sleepy I do not have! Because I wanted to sleep but woke me up today ôo
Hitsu kun allhergotts in early - it was shortly after half past 11 or so! He invited me to lunch over in its dividend. At 12
later than 1st half
was the end, I can not cope with the times! Hitsu-kun said that it is so typical of me .. Whether this is true? hm ...
We have eaten late, I go Kira picked up and summarily dragged along! ^ ^

brought us around by 3 Matsu-san sweet Reisblächen .. then we were more than satisfied. Shirou-chan was right after that, fully active, went into Taichoubüro and began to clean up like an obsession.
There was nothing else than me on the sofa, he was first made by various free-stuff and translated to watch him because he repeatedly refused my help. Kira-kun

and I were a little out of place. However, we talked about much. I was surprised it is that he can be so redseelig ..
Hitsu-kun has given us "Fruchtzwerge" because he does not eat when Matsu-san ôo but not looking good taste ^ _ ^ Now

gereade just picked me up Aizen-Taichou. With a little tired impression he makes, I will do my best tomorrow to give everything to help him!

Ne!? ^ - ^